Netlify Feature Tour

This is a small site to show the most powerful features of Netlify quickly!

Deploy Previews

Every pull request is automatically built in an identical-to-production environment for painless QA, feedback, and review.

Learn more about Deploy Previews

Instant Rollbacks

Confidently ship to production with the knowledge that it’s a one-click operation to roll back to a previous version of the site. Instant disaster recovery!

Learn more about Instant Rollbacks

Netlify Functions

Serverless functions are superpowers for web developers! Securely handle server-like requirements at any scale with no provisioning, scaling, or ops overhead.

Learn more about Netlify Functions

Netlify Forms

Handle user input with a single line of code. Netlify Forms allow any HTML form to accept submissions, send notification emails, and trigger custom events.

Learn more about Netlify Forms